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About Your Coach

Kacey Finney-EGCM-CP, NREMT-B

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Thank you for reading about my program! So glad you are curious about what I do! I can tell you, this program has been life changing for me as well as many of my friends and family! I want you to feel comfortable here, so I will share a bit about myself!

I was raised on a farm in Wisconsin where I learned to love people, animals, and the rural lifestyle at a very young age. Although I had a very good childhood and probably very "typical" country girl life, I still dealt with some depression, anxiety and relationship problems. 


I went to college to learn to work with people and horses, then went off to work several jobs with horses and in the ranching world. But, I always knew there was "just something" horses did to help people. I know for me, I always felt better just simply being around them.


I searched to see if anyone understood this "something" and found a very gifted, intuitive, horsewoman and psychotherapist named, Melisa Pearce. Melisa not only understood that "something", but she also had founded a method called the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method because of it. Through this method, Melisa had helped thousands of people work through their issues at a faster and more successful rate than in her psychotherapy practice alone. I quickly signed up for her program, completed the very intensive two years, graduated in 2015, and opened Embracing Life Through Horses "ELTH".


I now have many years in at ELTH helping people from across the U.S. I am very grateful for all our amazing clients and horses over the years! It is truly remarkable what we have seen horses do and clients overcome! I can't wait to hear from you and hopefully get to meet you in person as well! Take care!                                      

                                                      Blessings from your Gestaltist, 

                                                                   Kacey Finney







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